..days in the life..

welcome to the photoblog - here is where i post my personal photographs as a means to journal our adventures (and daily interactions) of life.

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Tuesday, May 26, 2009

a typical weekend morning at the gannon-levin household

first, simon always lays in after we are up and out of bed. and typically, pele joins him for the sleep-in.  pele's look in the second photo says it all "get the hell out of here, we're sleeping"....  and no, its never shared. i never get to stay in bed.  mason wants his mommy when he wakes up and no one else will do.  and not only that, i'm usually the first one up!  have never been one to sleep in.....

here's a typical mason on the couch shot....with his morning milk close at hand....

and once simon crawls out of bed, he gets some love and attention... yes from me too!

..... here are some shots of simon trying to stretch out his back that causes him so much pain and discomfort. by the look of these photos i'm beginning to see the root of some of his discomfort!!!

and last but not least, a shot of pele and i don't know who (someone in their underwear!!), having a look out the window....

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