jenny has been with us since mason was eleven months old. she has become a part of our family and we love her dearly, to say the least.
a couple of months ago i realized that i didn't have any photos of jenny and mason. i don't typically bring my camera out while jenny is hanging about, so i asked her if she would mind if we did a shoot together so that we could get some shots. of course jenny was game.. but mason, well that was another story. he is hard enough to photograph at the best of times, but with jenny, he seemed to be even worse...all he wanted to do was play, run and hide!!! for the first 35 minutes we were "playing and hiding" in the rodo bush, as you can see by the first photo...
we eventually got some photos. the photos aren't perfect, by any means, but at least the images capture the love that mason has for his special jenny, and vice versa!

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