..days in the life..

welcome to the photoblog - here is where i post my personal photographs as a means to journal our adventures (and daily interactions) of life.

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Tuesday, May 19, 2009

indiana jones

our little neighbour kai came over the other day and explained to me that he was indiana jones.  pretty cute indiana jones, i'd say!
he went on to explain that when he has his jacket on, he's nice indiana jones, and without it.... then he is bad indiana jones.  i asked if i could take some photos.  i took a couple photos and then he took off his coat and asked that i take some photos of him as bad indiana jones.  i asked him if he was going to smile when he was "bad indiana jones" and he explained to me that bad indiana jones does not smile.
too cute. and then his darling little sis natalia came on down and wanted her photo taken too :)

here he is as "nice" indiana jones....

and here are a couple of "bad" indiana jones....

and here is a photo of sweet natalia....

1 comment:

  1. hey vic - these recents photo shoots - indianna jones & his sister, your friends for dinner & mason sleeping & in his dad's shoes should be on your photo blog as well. At least some of them. They're great. Lots of fun! (just my opinion, of course). xox
