..days in the life..

welcome to the photoblog - here is where i post my personal photographs as a means to journal our adventures (and daily interactions) of life.

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Thursday, May 21, 2009

he wants to skateboard AT THREE

first... some history. last weekend we went to our special friends/simon's business partner/neighbours for dinner (treya's and william's).  jaryn and kyle, another neighbourhood kid, were playing on their skateboards outside, so of course mason had to participate.  jaryn, being the loving friend that he is, gave mason his helmut, a skateboard, etc... mason had so much fun, as is reflected in the photos below. 

jaryn also collects "teck decks" (i think that is the correct term) and that night, as we left, mason cried for one of jaryn's teck deck skate boards and jaryn complied (saying to me.. "its ok vicki, i have lots of them".  how sweet is that). anyways, mason carried that little skateboard around with him everywhere, including to the garden store we went to... and that is where he left the skateboard.  so since its been missing we've had several tears over the past few days.

today, when i picked mason up from school, i explained to him that we were going to london drugs (a store that carries just about everything except for fresh foods and meats). anyways, mason asked if he could get another skateboard and i said that he could... thinking he was referring to the 2 -inch little teck decks...

so we arrive into the store, and go through a couple of isles when all of a sudden mason runs ahead and says mommy, here is the skateboard.  so, as i come up to the display, i'm thinking i will come across a display of little 2-inch skateboards.  but what do my wondering eyes but appear (ok yes i took that line from the book the night before christmas)..... but a full sized.  FULL SIZED skateboard. THAT OLDER KIDS RIDE. NOT a THREEEE year old.  so i tried to rationalize with him and tell him that it was for big kids and he told me that i said he could have one (WHICH I DID).. and then the big crocodile tears came... and people were starting to look (heaven forbid)... so what did i do... i threw it in the cart!!! 

so, in summary, thanks to the slu family for introducing mason to his new favourite thing to do. Love you guys, but i wish your son didn't skateboard!!! 

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