..days in the life..

welcome to the photoblog - here is where i post my personal photographs as a means to journal our adventures (and daily interactions) of life.

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Thursday, June 4, 2009

my #1 assistant - gone wrong

as mentioned a few posts ago, mason likes to get involved... when the shots don't involve him!  he does not like to get his photo taken AT ALL and will actually run and hide from the camera... unless of course he isn't invited into the shots... and then he is all for it!! on sat night we were in victoria and i was taking some photos of my special friends....mason, as you can see, wanted to be in the shot. somewhat unfortunate that he had another pressing issue at the same time!

and here is mason somewhat annoyed that he isn't in the shots so he is throwing rocks at the girls...

at least the girls got a kick out of him...

and here they are jumping on their deck...

and all tired out at the end of the night....

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