..days in the life..

welcome to the photoblog - here is where i post my personal photographs as a means to journal our adventures (and daily interactions) of life.

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Sunday, July 19, 2009

you can call me crazy but....

when mason asks to come for a run with pele and i, i never ever say no... even though we live amongst the hilliest of hills.

on friday mason joined us for a run.

we had lots of conversations... mason is at the stage where he questions EVERYTHING.  he asks a question and then i give him an answer and more times than not he will say...."but why mama, why..... "

one of the conversations went as follows:

mason... love your blue shirt mama, where did you get it?
me.... thanks bud, i got it at the nike store...
mason.. oh, the running nike store, mama?
me.... you got it!

i have so many great memories of taking mason in the jogging stroller... from when he was a few months old.  let me tell you, its a heck of a lot harder now that he's over three and over forty pounds! 

but on the other hand, while its harder because he's bigger, its so much fun now that he chats away to me!

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