..days in the life..

welcome to the photoblog - here is where i post my personal photographs as a means to journal our adventures (and daily interactions) of life.

thanks for visiting and please feel free to leave a comment! 

Friday, July 31, 2009

see what i mean?

i can hear her, even though she doesn't speak.
..."i know you love me mason, but... LEAVE. ME. ALONE!!!"

happy 2nd birthday murdoch

thanks for the fun party!

first there were three... then there were seven...

when i first moved from victoria to vancouver in 99 i lived with michele and danny.  we had so much fun. SO.MUCH.FUN.  then little lex was born and it was different, but still so much fun. SO.MUCH.FUN.   then simon came along and then kristina and last but not least, our mason. somewhere along the way michele and dan moved back to victoria.  

missing.. wishing they were here. or we were there.

last weekend, while simon was away, mason and i went to spend the weekend with them in whistler.

we had a great time. such a great time in fact that mason sobbed all the way to squamish... 

happy birthday my special friend

it was michele's bday a couple of weeks ago. she has been my very special friend for.. well decades and decades and decades.  i won't tell you just how many decades because that way it would be in print just how old we are getting. never mind...
anyways, danny threw a surprise party for her.  i didn't take very many photos. i was too busy eating and drinking and drinking and drinking. thanks for the yummy wine danny!!!

can't decide who has a nicer bum.... julie or michele's dog barnie. ha!!

hangin out

the only time i can get mason to sit still.... is when i turn on the tv.....

poor pele

pele always has to be around us.  always.  wherever we go, she comes.  when i'm running around the house, she follows me from floor to floor.
problem is, that where we are, mason is.  pele adores mason, but doesn't really like the fact that everytime she gets cuddled on my lap, mason decides that he wants on my lap.. or everytime pele is sleeping on her bed, mason decides he too wants to lay with her on her bed...
and now, for some reason, mason is forever taking her by her collar and leading her around.  thank goodness he hasn't yet asked to dress her up in his superman gear!!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

its a hot one.. its a heat wave

us west coasters are not use to the temperatures in the 30's. doing all we can to keep cool!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

we miss you simon!

simon left on saturday for five days away on business.  mason is missing him (as am i!!).
yesterday mason and i were out and when we got back he started crying and said "WHERE IS DADDY, I WANT HIM HOME".  
love you simon, hope you are having a good time in beautiful paris.