..days in the life..

welcome to the photoblog - here is where i post my personal photographs as a means to journal our adventures (and daily interactions) of life.

thanks for visiting and please feel free to leave a comment! 

Thursday, April 30, 2009

now THIS makes a girl feel great

today, i arrived home to find a beautiful bouquet of flowers at my door step. i couldn't imagine who they were from so i rushed to open the card.... they were from our special friend treya who is also simon's business partner.
the card, and the words that treya wrote brought me to tears.
you'll see below an image of the card and the beautiful flowers that accompanied the card. i know, usually its the card the accompanies the flowers... but NOT this card!!!!

the inscription in the card read as follows:

ms. v...dear sweet ms. v.
...it started as a thank you for taking my angels' pics...
then i thought i should thank you for being you.
for every time you say "lots of love" i feel it.
for each time i run with you i wish i did more.
for every time i leave you i say "man, she's so awesome".
for being so kind, sweet, fun and loving.
for being sassy, and owning it.
for loving my best friend in the whole world.
for loving every thing i wear even when i don't.
lastly, for just being the one gal in the world that everyone

thank you treya, for the flowers and those kind kind words.
and, as always...

Monday, April 27, 2009

mason is inconsistent

two weeks ago, mason HATED having a bath. he would cry when i mentioned the word.  this week..... he asks throughout the day if he can have a bath.. today, as soon as i got home, he asked if he could have a bath.  one thing, however, remains CONSISTENT - mason refuses to look anywhere near my camera.  as soon as i bring my camera out, he says "mommy, put your computer away" (that is what he calls it). today i decided to be strategic. i told him to throw things at me, and to spit water at me. alas, two photos of mason actually peering towards the camera.  he hasn't yet mastered the technique, as you can see by the photo.  no fear of getting water on my camera -   it all ran down his face!!! 

hmmmm hmmmm, i love tulips

that was sung to the turtle song (you know, the chocolates...) am i aging myself?
are you wondering who bought me these beautiful pink tulips?  No, not Simon.  Me, I bought them for myself.  Needed a "pick-me-up" today after spending most of the the night last night awake and comforting a coughing and puking little boy.  Yes, Mason who was the one suffering needs a "pick-me-up" too, but thats besides the point.  He got some good ole Mama lovin.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

watching the kids in the hot tub

...and while the little guys were enjoying the hot tub, the big guys were enjoying a lovely bottle of shiraz............

how 'bout we go to roarkie's pool?

last week i asked mason what he wanted to do... he put his hand to his chin and said "hmmmmm let me think" (he's THREE!!)....after a long pause he said to me "how 'bout we go to roarkie's pool?" ..... we went over for a visit last night and mason took his bathing suit.... "roarkie's pool" is still in winter mode however he got to enjoy a hot tub with his bud roark.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

fun fun FUN

a few more shots from our weekend away. so much fun was had by all!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

mason at okanagan lake

some shots of mason at the lake....

emma and jaryn

this weekend we went to the okanagan to spend easter with the slus in their kelowna home. we had a wonderful time. in fact on the return trip mason cried, no he sobbed, because he didn't want to leave emma and jaryn.
here are some photos of mason's new best friends!!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

mason's first day of pre-school

here are some photos taken the morning of mason's first day of pre-school (april 2nd). he is now at day three (he goes tuesdays and thursdays), and he has been crying at drop-off.. i dropped him off the first day and it wasn't so bad (ie he wasn't crying when i left), but the last two times, i've made simon do it... knowing that he might cry....i don't like to see him cry.. in fact i hate to see him cry.... and he knows it!!! we have friends that go to the school and their kids love it... so lets hope!!!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


my sister's daughter keira turned 5 recently (march 24). for her birthday, she wished for a calendar. yep, that's right... a calendar.. she wished for a calendar so she could write down when she had skating lessons, hockey games, play dates, etc..... hmmmmm sounds as though she is a little anal retentive like her auntie vicki??!!!

here she is opening a calendar her auntie vic made for her! (keira's sister josie in the background with my mom)

Monday, April 6, 2009

happy birthday to YOU!!!

and here are some photos of mason as we sung the Happy Birthday song to him!

more presents

when mason was opening his presents on his bday - he was excited and said to both simon and i..."i've been SUCH a good boy!!!"

happy birthday mason

he's 3.threeee. soon he will be 33........... i can't believe how fast the time has gone.. for his birthday this year.... all he wished for were guns. about a week before his bday... if i came in from work, or from a run (or from the garage!!) he would ask ...."mom did you bring me big guns?" where that came from i do not know.... up until his birthday, he was using our clothes hangers as guns... so my belief is that their imagination will allow whatever it is that they can get their hands on to be their "make believe guns"... not sure why it is so that they want to play with guns... but he does... and so did simon, so did my brothers... (me not so much so)....and i'm told... so did my dad....

i know that some people in our lives have restricted their kids from playing with toy guns.... we didn't impose those restrictions... most of us have played with toy guys in our youth ... and we didn't take that imaginary play time into anything more than that....

happy bday (belated - march 30) my special man. enjoy your nerf guns.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

mason loves to sleep with his mama

simon snapped a photo of us yesterday when we were napping.. mason needs/wants/loves to sleep with me....but, as you can see by the photo below that was taken when he was a mere week old or so....... old habits are hard to break!!!! I started it... and... I love it!!!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

mason the negotiator

it has started.  he is three. he is the negotiator and he knows we are the weak links. like his parents, he likes his treats.  he asks us for treats before dinner, knowing full well that we will use this to get him to eat his meat and veggies and at the end he will get a treat....here he is enjoying his treat, eating ice cream.  just like his dad, he. loves. it!!!!